Learning Logs

Chapter 13: Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Adulthood

Health and Fitness (Substance Abuse)- There are different substance that affects an individual. Such substances include: cigarette smoking, alcohol, chewing tobacco, marijuana, and stimulant intake. Among the substance mentioned, cigarette smoking and alcohol are the most common. Nonetheless, each factor has one thing in common, it is that they cause harm to people. Cigarette  smoking causes heart attack, stroke, cancer, and acute leukemia. It can affect a person's mouth, esophagus, lungs, stomach, kidneys, and bladder. In addition, the harmful effects of cigarette smoking are skin/uterine abnormalities, poor wound healing, hair loss, early menopause, and reduce sperm count. Likewise, alcohol causes liver disease, cardiovascular disease, inflammation of the pancreas, bone marrow problems, blood and joint disorder, and other forms of cancer. With the knowledge of what different substance can do to our body, we can possibly try and stray away from them.
College First or Straight to Work?- College experiences can deem the most influential years of our lives. What college is, is that they serve as a "developmental testing ground" devoted to exploring alternative values, roles, and behavior. College grants individuals the opportunity of high status careers, personal and monetary rewards, and create a transformation (depends on an individual's involvement in academic and nonacademic activities) impact on young people. Meanwhile, most vocational-bound young adults have trouble finding jobs or acquiring jobs other than the one they already have. A reason as to why young vocational-bound high school students may have trouble acquiring job is that American employers view them as unprepared for the workforce. However, vocational preparation is a lifelong progress, and adolescents and early adulthood is a vital period for defining clear occupational goals.

Applying this to myself, I am able educate myself of the harmful effects cigarette smoking and alcohol does to one's body. I dislike smoking nor am I big on drinking, therefore it is easy for me to stay away from cigarettes and alcohol. Even so, we must educate the people around us of the causes of what will occur when we smoke and drink. Smoking is something we pick up as a habit, however we must learn and get help on how to quit. Just as so, drinking serves as a way to relax and have a good time, but often times we take in more than we shouldn't. When it comes to drinking, we need to be aware of when enough is enough. Also, that we must drink responsibly and always have a designated driver. With this, I could communicate with my students and let them understand of the dangers cigarette smoking and alcohol can do. Maybe, I can influence them to not pick up on these habits.

If either college or going straight into a career field is what others may choose, we must always support and wish them well. With me, I choose to attend college. I thought that with college this will grant me a variety of opportunities and a higher paying job. At the same time, to make my parents proud, that I have achieved another accomplishment and what they assume is best for me. Whether you are soaring to a college, the workforce, or the military, we need to make the rest of our life, the best of our life. Do not be afraid of failure because with each failure, there is a lesson to be learned.
Take risks because they will help shape the person you will become. In life, you do not lose; you either win or learn. Don’t limit yourself. Don’t limit your dreams. Color your canvas, and make your trademark. Your effort and willingness is the push towards your ultimate triumph.

Chapter 14: Emotional and Social Development in Early Adulthood

Close relationships: is “to establish an intimate tie to another person, people must find a partner and build an emotional bond that they sustain overtime. Although young adults are especially concerned with romantic love, the need for intimacy can also be satisfied through other relationships involving mutual commitment with friends, siblings, and co-workers.” Close relationship can be vital because it can improve one's health and well-being.

The Family Cycle: Early adulthood includes individuals leaving home, joining families in marriage, and parenthood. Middle adulthood includes, children leaving home and this is where parent responsibilities begin to lessen. Lastly, late adulthood is where one retires, grow old, and eventually experience the death of one's spouse. The family cycle is important because it is where parents teach us different things.

Having a close relationship is something that everyone wants to have. Still attending college, my mindset is based on graduating and doing good in all my classes. However, not to forget, gaining insights and knowledge on what the class has to offer. I was always told that relationships can come later, meaning after I graduate college. When the time comes, it comes. Being a teacher is like being a second parent to students. I can be that to my students so that they can trust and come to me for anything. I can tell them that relationships are okay. However, wait until you graduate college or when you are ready. There are close relationships in which can help us to become a better person and be that person who is the light in your dark. Also, improves our health and well-being. I can advise my students who the type of person to look for. But, all in all, studies must come first before relationship.

Family is extremely important to me because it is the foundation in which we grow and learn. I can educate my students on the importance family impacts our life. Our family is our ultimate support system. They taught us things necessary to survive. As a future educator, I want to teach my students to always give back to their parents by making them proud. They are not growing any younger and when the time comes to take care of them, do not hesitate to assist them. Because your family loves, support, believed, and worked hard for you. I want my students to appreciate what their parents give to them.

Chapter 15: Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood

Physical Changes: Our body changes as we aged. Our vision, hearing, skin, muscle-fat makeup, skeletons, and reproductive system changes in middle adulthood.
Motivation: Most adult learners feel a sense of fulfillment and excitement brought on by learning (Kinser & Deitchman, 2007). This motivation helps counteract role overload.

As a future teacher, I would educate my students that our body is developing as we grow older. As we grow there are things in which will grow and experience. In that process, we have to just let out body develop and take care of our body. We must try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Motivation is something that I want my students to have. I want to motivate them to put in their best work into every assignments I give them. I want them to wake up every morning feeling motivated to come to school, ready to seize the day. I want them to have that motivation to never settle for less and that they are capable of anything they set their mind to. I want to use that motivation into creating a classroom where learning to fun and that they gain something out of being in my classroom.
